No Man’s Land Blog 🗞️
It May Not Be Your Fault. But It IS Your Responsibility! (Blog #7)
Sometimes we just fall prey to bad circumstance. Sometimes things happen that are seemingly not our fault.
But here’s the blog to tell you that EVERYTHING is your fault…
It’s Time For A New Type Of Man (Blog #6)
It’s time for a new type of man to rise.
Before pointing to a new type of man, I want to point out 2 starkly contrasting, existing types of men. The emotionally cut off tough guy, and the overly sensitive nice guy.
A Porn-Free Man is a Free Man (Blog #5)
The sad reality is that, if you’re using porn, you are a slave to it. I know because I was a slave to porn. And although I haven’t used it in over a year, I still sometimes feel like a slave.
Blog #4 : Embracing Rain.
I sit out on the front porch and feel the mist of the pouring rain.
Often, when it rains, you hear people say things like “What a crappy day.” At least that’s what Grandma Izzy used to say every single time it rained. Literally. Like clock work. But I don’t think she truly meant it. Only that she was programmed to think rain = crappy...
Blog #3 : “You want more? They’ll give you more.”
A mushroom told me this once.
I was knee deep in my first solo mushroom ceremony back in 2018. I call it the Bar Mitzvah I never had. I’m jewish but not got to celebrate my “manhood” back when I was 13.
12 years later and I’m only now becoming a man.
Blog #2 : A Puppy & his Piss. A Lesson in Patience.
Piss on my shirt and piss on the rug. A great start to my morning.
Riley is a new puppy. I’m not his father, rather his uncle, but he’s mine to watch over during the weekdays....
Blog #1 : Learning To Father Myself.
Like most men, my father had his issues. Issues that have impacted my family (a blog - or rather, a book - for another day perhaps). He died when I was 9.