It May Not Be Your Fault. But It IS Your Responsibility! (Blog #7)
Sometimes we just fall prey to bad circumstance. Sometimes things happen that are seemingly not our fault.
But here’s the blog to tell you that EVERYTHING is your fault, that you DID choose your problems, and how embracing that responsibility is exactly what you need to do to make things better.
Sure, we have all been the victim of a poor circumstance. Things that seemingly couldn’t have been changed. But when poor things happen to us, what we CAN change is how we respond to them. We live in a world where men are taking less and less responsibility, and in turn, putting more and more blame on external things (other people, government, childhood, parents, wife, etc.) I invite you to pause when this type of blaming comes up in you, and say to yourself “I take responsibility for this as if I did this to myself - because I did.”
Taking responsibility is the equivalent of posturing up for a battle. If you feel like you’re meant to be there, and that you’re there for a higher purpose, you will fight 100000x harder.
Embrace all of life as if it was meant for you. Embrace every moment of life as if it is the championship game that you were training your whole life for. Posture up in the face of challenges. And claim responsibility for being in this exact place with these exact problems.
This type of energy changes every challenge (big or small) into opportunities to be your best self. And THAT is your responsibility to yourself and those who love you.
Ownership (OWN YOUR SHIT) is the way out of situations that feel impossible. It is the way to take control back when you feel that things are out of control. It is a reinforcement to the universe and to you (what’s the difference?) that YOU ARE POWERFUL & CAPABLE.
Seize every moment. Claim your life. The difference between a man who is in control of his life, and a man who is a victim to bad circumstance is NOT about the quantity of bad luck that one experiences over the other. It is about the quality of self responsibility and the willingness of the first man to CLAIM his misfortune as his gift and opportunity.
I quoted Uncle Vince “Matoska” Chafin (Sacred Sons Leader) in the last Blog and I want to end this one with a story that I heard him tell in a Sacred Sons Pillar Talk. Click here to watch the full talk.
So the story goes something like this…
There were Holy Men and Women in an ancient city who decided to build a Cathedral. They picked out the place where they wanted it built. They found the stones they wanted to build it out of. The only issue was that the quarry with the stones was miles away from the build spot. So they recruited hundreds of city men to carry the stone from the quarry to the build. As these men walked with stones for miles, villagers from the outskirts of the city watched them. A villager noticed a man walking with stone, huffing and puffing, struggling along the path. He was visibly agitated as he exerted all his energy with each and every step. The villager asked him what he was doing. He responded with struggle in his voice “I’m carrying these damn stones.” And then he kept on the path with that same energy. That same villager saw another man carrying a similarly sized stone. This man, however, was smiling radiantly. He was still visibly struggling. But as he used all his might to move this stone, he was clearly having a positive experience. The villager, curious at the stark difference in both of these men, asked this one what he was doing.
”I’m building a cathedral!” the man said.
Hear this message. He who takes responsibility can see the bigger picture. Both men faced the same circumstances, but one had the vision and made the choice to take on this challenge as HIS OWN.
We’re all building a Cathedral. That is what it is to be a man on this path. We’re building toward a version of ourself that is greater than us right now. We’re building toward a better future. We are all pushing heavy stones. We could not become the men we’re becoming if we do not face ALL of our challenges with self-responsibility, gratitude, and a higher purpose/vision.
What are you building? And how does every challenge - big or small - fall in line with this vision?
We can’t wish our problems away - and we wouldn’t want to. We get to choose how we respond to life. So it may not be your fault, but it certainly is your responsibility. Claim every problem as your own and posture up!
I Love You Brother 💚
With Love,