My Philosophy
I call it No Man’s Land because it’s the place that ordinary men won’t go.
NML Men’s Work is more than just quitting porn. It is embracing a journey of everyday healing, making aligned choices, reclaiming our power, feeling our feelings, holding ourselves and others accountable, knowing ourselves, becoming leaders, and doing it all with men’s work principles as our guide.
It IS men’s work, and so is living porn-free.
It truly feels like you're entering No Man’s Land when you make the choice to stop using porn. Our society, corporate marketing, and Hollywood have made it seem like what we’re experiencing is “normal.” Not only is it scary, but there aren’t many places to turn. I learned this over a year ago when I had made the VERY difficult choice to quit porn. I turned to SAA (sex addicts anonymous) and it was refreshing as fuck to hear men talk honestly about their porn habits, their unwillingness to use it, and the disastrous effects it had on their well-being. BUT, I rarely ever heard what I hear in men’s work spaces - things like somatic healing, embodying masculinity, living heart centered, being vulnerable, etc. In other words, SAA was great but it lacked the depth that men’s work spaces live and breathe.
Simultaneously I saw men’s work spaces lacking the TRUTH of porn’s catastrophic effects on men, women, children, sexuality, intimacy, fulfillment, self empowerment and the world at large. I heard men rarely speak about porn, and what I heard was always surface level and never with real accountability and willingness to quit - the energy I see in every SAA room. Unfortunately when I share my experiences with porn, many men avoid sharing their own.
I didn’t start No Man’s Land necessarily for quitting porn. But I know when source is taking me in a specific direction. And it calls me to bridge the best of these worlds. To teach men what I have had to learn on my own. To use men’s work principles of depth, brotherhood, vulnerability, spirituality, awareness of masculine & feminine dynamics, nervous system regulation, emotional resiliency, deep intimate connection, and purposeful living. All of the things I live with everyday in living not only a porn-free life, but a healing, powerful, and purpose-filled life because of it.
The plan here is simple. Follow the method for coherence of body, mind, emotions, and soul. Drop into the body, feel the emotions, connect intimately with self and others, and unwaveringly live your purpose. Do it with a supportive brotherhood.
The Porn-Free Method
Work the method from the bottom-up.
Nervous System Regulation is the base for a reason. You can’t do any work without a grounded nervous system.
Emotional Resiliency is the willingness to FEEL. Being aware of your emotions and meeting your emotion’s needs.
Intimate Connection is what we really need when we reach for porn. Embrace true intimacy and sexual fulfillment with a grounded system and a clear emotional body.
Purpose is sustainability. With a clear purpose and values, you have the road map for staying the aligned course.
Learn how exactly to use this method to quit porn for good and HEAL with the Free Starter Kit, the Every 2nd Tuesday Workshop, and The Porn-Free Man 10-Week Men’s Group Journey.